Deep Condition and Shampoo Day 10/24/15

I know I am so late with this update but I have been really busy. This month I tried a little experiment with my hair. I wanted to see if I could get away with cowashing alone. For this month I just cowashed with conditioner and did not use any shampoo. I am a huge fan of my shampoo but I hear so many people talk about how moisturizing their hair feels from cowashing alone. They say shampooing dries their hair out. Soo…

This month I just used conditioner to cleanse my hair. I would start off by applying my DC to dry hair and then cowash it out. As the day progress my hair looked and felt dry & lifeless! I did not see any shine and it was just so dull looking. I lasted about 3 weeks doing this until I couldn’t take it anymore! Saturday after I participated in a breast cancer walk, I came home and applied my DC on dry hair as usual. After a few hours (or however long my nap was) I rinsed the DC out and proceeded to shampoo. After shampooing I applied my conditioner and rinsed. I then let my hair air dry until it was about 80% dry before moisturizing and sealing. I then twisted my hair for the night.

The next day I took out my twist and my hair felt sooooo much better! I think I will continue with my usual routine of shampooing once a week and cowashing during the week. I guess Lady Fro is an odd ball who happens to love shampoo!