…I’m Back!

I know, I know, I know…it’s been FOREVER!!!! My life…and my hair…has taken me on an emotional roller coaster. As for my hair, I have been rocking a protective style for well over a year because of damage. If you follow me then you know that my hair likes to randomly fall out. As much as I try to combat it, it just happens.

Over a year ago my hair was fine. In fact, I remember my last good hair day. Then all of a sudden I developed a bald spot in the center of my hair! I should be used to this but it’s never easy to accept. After that I installed crochet braids to keep me from manipulating my hair too much.

Now I am pleased to say that my hair has grown back. However, my hair was crazy uneven. Soooo, I had to mini big chop. I’ve gone from this…

…to this…

New Cowash Routine

I have been using my new cowash routine for a few months now and I am loving the results! My conditioner of choice is Aussie Moist. This stuff is cheap and amazing!!!!

Before I get started I spray my hair with a little water to loosen up my coils. I then proceed to twisting my hair. Once my hair is complete I then proceed to cowash my hair. After i cowash I use the Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner. I was a little skeptical about the 3 minute thing but this stuff really works! It leaves my hair extremely soft.

Since I wash my hair in twists I like to make sure all the conditioner is out. After rinsing I grab my t shirt to dry my hair. After my hair gets to about 80% dry I proceed to the LOC methed. I actually use a LOCO methed:

L-Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Leave In Conditioner cream

O-I apply my Tropic Isle Living JBCO to my scalp and massage

C-Shea Moiture Curl Enhancing Smoothie

O-Organix Macadamia Penetrating Oil

After moisturizing and sealing my hair I put on my satin bonnet and head to bed. I cowashed my hair last night using this method and Lady Fro looks amazing!

1 Year and 2 months Natural!!!

I am so ashamed at the state of this blog. I have been extremely busy and have neglected my baby! I am proud to announce that on September 19th, I will be 1 year and 2 months natural!!! Whoop whoop!!!! This has been a long year full of ups and downs regarding hair. Here is what I have learned about Lady Fro this year:

  1. My hair absolutely LOVES Jamaican Black Castor Oil! Many bloggers say that JBCO is too thick and heavy for their hair but my curls love it. I use it regularly and my hair has grown A LOT!
  2. My hair doesn’t like shampoo very much. I now shampoo my hair once every 6 weeks or so. The only shampoo my hair loves is the Creme of Nature Moisturizing Argon Oil shampoo. That stuff is the bomb! It’s the only shampoo that doesn’t strip my hair.
  3. I am in love with Aussie products! I use Aussie Moist conditioners and the Miracle one. Both products are so cheap and my hair comes alive when I use it. I cowash with the conditioners and follow it up with the 3 minute deep conditioner.
  4. My favorite deep conditioner is the Shea Moisture superfruit complex 10-in-1 renewal system hair masque. This stuff smells amazing and makes my curls pop when I use it. 
  5. My hair does not do well in cold winter months. Even when I was relaxed my hair would grow so nice and full during spring and summer. However, every winter my hair will come out in 1 section until I was near bald. I’ve tried everything but nothing works. Unfortunately the same thing happened as a natural. My hair came out in the crown area so bad until I could see my scalp! To help combat the issue I wore crochet braids as a protective style for nearly 5 months. This helped my hair to start growing again.
  6. Shrinkage is real!!!! I get so frustrated because my hair shrinks so fast. I can leave for work in the morning with a big happy fro and by the end of the day it’s half the height. I have yet to find a product that prevents this from happening.

Now that I have made it through my first year I know what pitfalls to look out for. Fall is nearly approaching which means winter will be here before I know it. It is my plan to keep up with my protein treatments. If I start noticing intense shedding I will put in a protective style. That is my plan this time.

Now for the fun part, here is a picture showing my hair at day 1 compared to my 1 year and 1 month natural picture. My hair has grown out a lot but due to the massive hair loss, one side is slightly longer than the other. I will slowly trim the longer side down as the shorter side grows out:

Stop Telling People It’s Easy?

I am coming up on 7 months natural and I am really excited! Now that my hair is growing out more I am getting a lot more compliments from friends and strangers. I was at work talking with a colleague who is natural and a friend who isn’t. My colleague and I were both rocking a puff and my friend said she liked both of our natural locs. I told her going natural was the best decision I made because it’s so easy.

My coworker has been natural for a few years and her hair is much longer than mine. I guess that’s why she told me I needed to stop telling people it’s easy. I went on to explain that I know that when my hair grows it will require much more work but CURRENTLY my hair routine is really easy! When relaxed I had to flat iron my hair everyday which took a lot of time and effort. Now I spritz with water and fluff out. I can do my hair in 5 mins!

Natural hair does take work but to me it’s much more simple than my relaxed days by FAR! What are your thoughts?


Rocking My First “Mini” Puff

Let me tell yall that I am BEYOND excited about my hair! In a few short days I will be 6 months natural! Whoop whoop!!!!!!!!!!!! My main goal has been to grow my hair long enough so I can rock a high puff. This morning I was putting on my headband and thought that I would give the puff a try. Well…it’s not a big, high puff but it’s something!


I Must Admit It….I’m a Shedder :(

I have come to the conclusion that I am a shedder. I know that’s not a word but I am coining this new term. Even in my relaxed days, my hair sheds so bad during the winter months. I tried going to professionals to treat my issue  but that did little to stop my constant shedding. I guess it’s a good thing that my hair grows like weeds in the warm months because I lose so much of it during cold weather. Now that I am natural I am STILL experiencing shedding…and it’s pretty bad.

I used to twist my hair about 3 or 4 times a week and now I only twist once or twice a week. My plan is to leave my hair alone as much as possible. I also plan on doing a protein treatment every 3 weeks instead of every 5 or 6 weeks. I want to do an experiment to see if this helps any. My last option will be a protective style. I’ve done this before and when I took the braids out I ended up with a lap full of hair. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hate that my hair does this every year! In the past (when I didn’t know how to take care of my hair properly) I shed so bad I ended up with bald spots. I do NOT want that to happen with Lady Fro so I am doing all that I can to minimize this craziness!


4 Months Natural!!!

Yes, today I am 4 months natural! Count it…1…2….3….4 months natural! Whoop whoop!!!! I am pretty darn proud of myself because I didn’t think I would make it this long! Today is a rainy day so Lady Fro is experiencing some major shrinkage but here she is:


90 Day Castor Oil Challenge Results

I must say that I am pretty proud of myself for finishing these 90 days. As you all know I have been on a 90 day castor oil challenge. I made sure to massage my scalp with JBCO at least 3 times a week. I also added it to my deep conditioners. Basically, it was the only oil I’ve used over the past 90 days. My challenge ended October 30, 2015. He are my results:





I have experienced some major growth! Not only is my hair longer but it’s thicker! Now that my challenge is over i will begin trying coconut oil. I still plan on massaging my scalp with JBCO 3 times a week or more.
